Christ Episcopal Church
Serving the Jersey Shore since 1865

(current as of December 19, 2024)
All Weekly Services are available both IN-PERSON and Virtual
Sundays, 9:45 am -- Holy Eucharist Worship Service
In-Person in the Church
This Service is also available via:
- Our Facebook Page: “ChristEpiscopalChurchTomsRiver”
- Our YouTube Channel “ChristEpiscopalChurchTomsRiver”
Sundays, 12:00 pm – Santa Eucaristia Spanish Service
In-Person in the Church
Wednesdays, 10:00 am — Holy Eucharist Healing Prayer Service
In-Person in the Chapel
This Service is also available via:
- Zoom (Internet or Telephone)
Dial by phone: 646-558-8656 (follow automated instructions)
Meeting ID: 848 3135 8748
Passcode: 8748
Fridays, 7:00 am – Morning Prayer
In-Person in the Chapel
This Service is also available via:
- Zoom (Internet or Telephone)
Dial by phone: 646-558-8656 (follow automated instructions)
Meeting ID: 868 4668 7754
Passcode: 7754
How We Experience Christ
From our Rectors and Deacons who live, teach, and love the Word of God. We are so blessed to have wonderful clergy sharing their knowledge of how we can live better in Christ
We have a variety of ministries to help and enrich the lives of those in our community and throughout the world. Loving our neighbors is our call and our ministries are how we show our light to the world.
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."
~Matthew 18:20
Welcoming and Celebrating all
Spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ
Teaching, baptizing and nurturing new believers
Responding to human need by loving service
Seeking to transform unjust structures of society
Striving to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth
Looking for More?

- God is infinitely more interested in the promise of our future than the mistakes of our past.
- The Church embraces and encourages those who are suffering or looking for answers to life.
- The Church is broad enough to encompass those firmly holding traditional beliefs as well as those questioning the essence of belief.
- Worshiping together is what it means to be a church: we gather to engage in ritual that invites the mystery of belief into our hearts and to be reminded of the stories of those who have gone before.
- It is at the end of our worship service that our service begins.
Use this form to send a message to our office with a general inquiry, or to request an appointment with the Rector