Christian Education for Youth

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  -Matthew 19:14

Church School


Our Sunday Church Education Program is for children and youth in Preschool and up. We currently use the Seasons of the Spirit curriculum which is lectionary-based and which follows our liturgical calendar.  We meet each Sunday morning at:

  • 9:30 AM for children (preschool - 6) each Sunday in the Chapel (Sept-Jun). We spend 20 minutes praising God with music in the chapel and then proceed to the classrooms downstairs. 

Confirmation Formation

This program consists of a commitment of youths and their parents to provide opportunities for young people seeking to make an adult commitment to being a Christian to be active members in their own Christian Formation through worship, fellowship, education, outreach and evangelism.   Please reach out to the church office for more information.

Christian Education for Adults

Baptismal Classes

These classes are held for adults as well as the parents and godparents of the child to be baptized.

Reception/Confirmation Classes

The Bishop of our Diocese officially receives people into the Church Community.  If the individual has already been confirmed in another denomination, they are “received.”  If not, the person takes a two or three session course and is “confirmed.”  This course introduces the foundational understandings of the Christian faith and the particular way we express that faith in the Episcopal tradition. All are welcome to attend:  those already attending Christ Church as well as others who wish to have an opportunity to explore what it means to be Christian in the 21st century.

Bible and Book Study Groups

Several Study Groups are available throughout the year.