Worship Times

Dear Parishioners & Friends,

Please refer to the home page for most current and accurate information on our service times/schedules, as well as News and Events, thank you!



HOLY EUCHARIST – 9:45 AM Rite II, Music

HOLY EUCHARIST IN SPANISH(La Santa Eucaristía en Español) - 12:00 PM
All are welcome, bulletins are bi-lingual.

Sunday Morning Christian Education

  • YOUTH GROUP - September through June
    • Confirmation
  • CHURCH SCHOOL - 9:30 AM, September through June
    • Holy Baptism
    • First Holy Communion
  • ADULT EDUCATIONvarious throughout the year; check with Church Office or Weekend Bulletins for current opportunities


A Healing Service with laying-on-of-hands and anointing with healing oil (for yourself or others).



This is an intimate worship experience of Morning Prayer. After worship, this group generally goes to breakfast together.

  • Handicap Accessible
  • Air Conditioned
  • Large Print Prayer Books
  • Sound Amplification
  • Ample Off-Street Parking

Worship Ministries

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the Bishop.  They assist in the administration of Holy Communion at most celebrations of the Holy Eucharist and normally lead Prayers of the People.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

There are many people who for various reasons cannot get to a church service (health, mobility, lack of transportation). Yet they are full parishioners, just like those who come to church.  To date we have commissioned over twenty Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV) to take communion to those who are home-bound. Some of these people have been LEVs for many years; others newly trained.  If you are interested in finding out more about this important ministry (either being a LEV, or arranging for a LEV to visit you), please talk with one of the clergy.


Acolytes assist at Sunday services. They help in worship by carrying the cross, lighting candles, flying liturgical kites, and holding the Gospel book. All ages are encouraged to participate.

St. Raphael Choir

The St. Raphael Choir leads the Sunday service and special celebrations of the parish. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings September to May. During the summer the choir rehearses on Sunday mornings before the service. They often combine with other churches for community events.

Bell Choir

The Bell Choir rings at various services throughout the church year, and occasionally out in the community. They almost always ring on Christmas Eve, for Lessons & Carols, the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. The Bell Choir is made up of 8-10 dedicated members who rehearse on Thursday evenings.


Lectors (or Lay Readers) proclaim the Scripture readings used in the Liturgy of the Word from the official liturgical book .

Oblation Bearers

Oblation Bearers represent the whole congregation at the Offertory as they bring forward the bread and wine to be offered for the Holy Eucharist. They are usually chosen from the congregation.


Ushers greet worshipers, distribute service leaflets, provide assistance, and help collect the offerings.


Vergers walk before the clergy as they proceed within the Church while carrying a virge which is a rod or staff carried as an emblem of authority or office. Vergers assist clergy in overseeing preparations for each service. Vergers are lay people.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild members assume responsibility for the care and cleaning of the church's linens, vestments and altar appointments, as well as setting up before and cleaning up after services.